The belief. The meaning of Dare Greatly. To dare is not a mundane task. It is for those who burn the midnight oil. Who are never done. It is for those who desire to improve the world by creating something new.

Cadillac has embodied this spirit over the last few years with it's Dare Greatly platform in order to stand out from the rest of the luxury segment. Dare Greatly exhibits a tone that is bold, sophisticated, and passionate. A forward-looking curation of progressive culture, distinguished design and innovations that move us forward—it represents everything we’re passionate about in the world and inspires us as we shape our future.

areas of focus

brand campaign

art & video production

asset development

only those who dare – drive the world forward.


Originally tasked with creating a bold, risk-taking idea to launch the new 2016 Cadillac XT5, the idea was too bold and repurposed to shed light on the speed demon itself. The Cadillac ATS-V – the most innovative and powerful vehicle in the lineup.

It is a subtle tribute to Cadillac's past and a nod to its future. After all, "There's wisdom in celebrating what's behind us. There's daring in living what's ahead."

*Due to a magnitude of unfortunate circumstances, this never saw the light of day. It got final rough cut approval and then poof. But that's a tail for another time.


Retail ads tend to be stereotypical. By utilizing the downtown New York esthetics and mixing in some FDR speed, we created an elevated campaign that ties two distinct bodies, into one.

We created a retail spot that sold the ATS by using existing running footage of the ATS-V. So, we latched onto the insight, that the V-Series models and their driving experience are only possible due to the brilliant designs of the ATS, and created a familial story between the two by establishing that "Daring runs in the family".

Holiday-themed ads all too often depend on cliches (think Santa Claus, giant red bows, etc). And automotive retail ads tend to sacrifice a brand level look-and-feel for the sake of moving metal. We wanted to make an ad that compromised on neither front.

So, we created a spot that would appeal to Cadillac's hyper-motivated customer base: people who think of winter as a time to get ahead while others rest on their laurels.

We took a slightly different approach to car retail advertising this time – storytelling. Smooth is 1 of 6 stories Cadillac will tell.

We created a realistic world for luxury retail and captured the product in a daring way by obsessing and dramatizing the details. Smooth specifically targets the effectiveness of the Magnetic Ride Control, unintentionally testing its effectiveness on a bumpy road while signing a card.

the escalade

Style lets you stand out from the herd. What’s inside is what sets you apart.